Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Naming Acids

First of all, how are acids formed?
An acid is formed when a compound composed of Hydrogen ions and a negativley charged ion are dissloved in water, meaning they are aqueous (aq). Once the ions are dissolved in water, they seperate.

Some Guidelines
For acids we add "hydro" at the begining. Then get rid of the last syllable of the non-metal and replace it with (ic). Then you can proceed and add acid at the end.

HCI(aq) -----> Hydrochloric acid

For complex acids replace the last syllables with new ones. Such as.... ___ate ----> ___ic and ____ite -----> ____ous
You dont' need the "hydro" for these complex acids.

H2SO4(aq) ----> Sulphuric acid



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